This year’s planting incorporated all the same components of the stand alone UHDP field, with one added element, the open Tatura trellis system. Here is where it is very important to keep up with every flush of new growth. When you factor in the costs for the materials needed to build the trellises plus the costs of the UHDP field, it comes to $12,962 per acre, assuming the farmer is making his or her own trees and not purchasing. SARE Outreach operates under cooperative agreement award No. Besides this, one can also go for ultra high-density mango plantation for more fruit production. In Australia, farmers have been using this system for about a decade, and have reported mango harvests as high as 20 tons per acre, doubling the production of the stand alone UHDP field. I am currently half way through planting the field. If we see the current scenario, per capita land holding size is decreasing. Improving Hawaii’s mango industry by introducing and comparing two innovative techniques that have increased yields and quality of the fruit while improving on efficiency and management of the orchard. A COMPARATIVE STUDY WITH POSTHARVEST IMPLICATIONS, 820_32 EFFECT OF AMINO ACID ON PANICLE LENGTH AND FRUIT SET OF TREE MANGOES (CULTIVAR TOMMY ATKINS) IN SEMI ARID OF NORTH OF MINAS GERAIS, 820_33 COMPARISON OF SEED GERMINATION IN MANGIFERA INDICA L.'HADEN' AND 'MANILA' VARIETIES, 820_34 COMPARATIVE RELATIVE GROWTH RATE OF SEEDLINGS OF MANGIFERA INDICA L. VAR. I VARIETAL SELECTION AND MECHANISMS OF RESISTANCE, 820_74 A NEW BACTROCERA SPECIES IN BENIN AMONG MANGO FRUIT FLY (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) SPECIES, 820_75 MONITORING FRUIT FLIES IN MANGO ORCHARDS IN SOUTH AFRICA AND DETERMINING THE TIME OF FRUIT INFESTATION, 820_76 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON THE EFFECT OF SPINOSAD IN MEDITERRANEAN FRUIT FLY ATTACK TO TREE RIPE SENSATION MANGOES, 820_77 BIO-ECOLOGY OF MANGO FRUIT BORER, AUTOCHARIS (=NOORDA) ALBIZONALIS HAMPSON (PYRALIDAE; LEPIDOPTERA) - A RECENT THREAT TO MANGO GROWERS IN WEST BENGAL, INDIA, 820_78 MANGO FRUIT APPEAL AFTER EXTENDED COLD-STORAGE AS IT RELATES TO HARVEST DATE, AND THE RELATIONSHIP HARVEST MATURATION STAGE AT HARVEST AND SPONTANEOUS RIPENING, 820_79 EFFECT OF ETHREL ON HASTENING OF ONSET OF RIPENING IN KESAR MANGO (MANGIFERA INDICA L.), 820_80 STUDIES ON EXTENSION OF SHELF LIFE OF KESAR MANGO (MANGIFERA INDICA L.), 820_81 EFFECT OF HARVESTING PRACTICES AND PRE-PACKING STORAGE ON LENTICEL DISCOLOURATION OF MANGOES, 820_82 DEVELOPMENT OF DISCOLOURATION IN MANGO LENTICELS, 820_83 EFFECT OF PACKHOUSE PROCEDURES ON LENTICEL DISCOLOURATION OF MANGOES, 820_84 EFFECTS OF POSTHARVEST HANDLING ON LENTICEL SPOTTING OF 'TOMMY ATKINS' MANGOES FROM NORTHEAST BRAZIL, 820_85 EFFECT OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS, POLYAMINE AND NUTRIENTS ON FRUIT QUALITY AND OCCURRENCE OF SPONGY TISSUE IN ALPHONSO MANGO, 820_86 INVESTIGATION ON CAUSES AND CORRECTION OF SPONGY TISSUE IN ALPHONSO MANGO (MANGIFERA INDICA L.), 820_87 A METHODOLOGY TO STUDY THE POST-HARVEST RIPENING BEHAVIOR OF MANGO (CV. the most developed trees in this field are now at this stage. I will make more videos showing the progress of the two styles. This project was focused on mangoes, but here in Hawaii we can grow all tropical fruits and these two systems have increased the production with other fruits. Field preparation began by hiring a bulldozer to clear the field of brush and grass. 5″ by 10′ posts and 3 1/2″ by 10′ posts were alternated in each row and set 40 feet apart. The most useful outreach tool at this point has been Facebook, where I created a group “The Mango Loa Project”, and have been chronicling its’ progress. COGSHALL) ACCORDING TO AGRONOMIC CONDITIONS, 820_88 SAPBURN MANAGEMENT FOR IMPROVING MANGO FRUIT QUALITY, 820_89 METHYLCYCLOPROPENE (1-MCP), A NEW APPROACH FOR EXPORTING 'KENT' MANGOS TO EUROPE AND JAPAN, 820_90 EFFECT OF 1-METHYLCYCLOPROPENE ON THE SHELF LIFE OF MANGO (MANGIFERA INDICA LINN.) Pruning and training begins immediately. Report. I will attend the Waipa Mango Festival and the Hawaii tropical fruit growers conference, where I will continue to promote the project. A series of trials are being carried out to standardize package of practices including evaluation of mango cultivars for yield potential and processing attributes, optimum spacing, irrigation, using drip system, fertigation, crop regulation by pruning, optimum conditions for ripening, organic farming, processing of Alphonso and Totapuri mangoes into puree etc. Irrigation in Mango Farming Year one  began by starting 600 seedlings of “common” mango. Polyembrionic seeds are also clonal, in that they are identical, which will give the orchard uniformity because all the seedlings are the same. Another reason I prefer the uhdp method is that the low trees and straight rows make this system compatible with mechanical pruning, which will allow one person to manage even more acres. Orchard management- An aspect of these two techniques is to lessen the demand on labor, while in India, using the uhdp method, they say that one person can manage up to 10 acres. Hawaii is the host to a number of destructive insects and the fruit flies may cause the most damage. Mango farmers of south Gujarat have started adopting new agricultural technology to cultivate high density mango orchards in the region. Since then, Australia has dedicated a lot towards research and trials to improve and adapt the open Tatura trellis system for tropical fruits. NAHM-DAWG-MAI, 820_95 FRESH CUT MANGO FRUITS: EVALUATION OF EDIBLE COATINGS, 820_96 THE PRODUCTION OF CANNED MANGO SLICES IN SYRUP FROM MANGIFERA INDICA LINN. These techniques are now being employed in South Africa, India, Thailand, Australia, and South America, as well as the United States with apples and peaches. But, this number differs in ultra-high density mango tree plantation where the distance between mango … 820_23 PERMEABILITY OF CUTICULAR MEMBRANE DURING THE ONTOGENY OF MANGIFERA INDICA L. 820_24 EFFECT OF FLOWERING AND FRUITING ON BRANCHING OF YOUNG MANGO TREES -AN ARCHITECTURAL APPROACH, 820_25 DISTRIBUTION AND VARIABILITY OF DRY MATTER CONTENT IN MANGO TREE CV. With the help of this, you will be able to plant around 70 mango plants per acre, which is considered as avg mango plantation per acre. I also consulted with two farmers in Florida, on the phone and email, one on the installation of the open Tatura trellis system and one on implementing the ultra high density plantation system. B. Krishna, A.N. Densely packing the fields with trees will allow for a more thorough use of an acre of land, leaving less space available for weeds to grow. However the shorter time to production and the higher yields will allow for a quicker and greater return on the investment over the standard orchard system. I attended two conferences; the Hawaii tropical fruit growers conference in Kona, where I displayed my project as well as talked about high density farming; and the Hawaii agriculture conference on Oahu, where I did a Power Point presentation with the topic of “Hawaii’s Fruitful Future” to talk about how we can improve Hawaii’s tropical fruit industry. Ultra High Density Mango (UHD) planting complete! This will set you back about two months of growing time and if you don’t prune back two sections, the tree will get too tall. Experimental mango plantations have been established during 1996-97 in about 60 ha area. Maintaining the ground cover and weeds is time consuming. In traditional farming about 70 trees are planted in one acre of land and the growth of tree is very big. The anchors should be set an equal distance away from the post as it is tall, so my posts are 8 feet tall and the anchors are set 8 feet away from the post.There are many different designs for ground anchors, from large screw shaped rods that are drilled in the ground or a flat steel plate attached to a rod and buried three feet deep. I began by planting all four sides, then I planted a row in the middle to use as site points to try to line up the trees. When grafting trees, it becomes essential to have the graft point below 18 inches, preferably lower, or the tree will be too tall to get the branches trained along the first wire. New shoots are thinned down to three and will become the scaffold branches, The end result of the field planting was 10 rows with 31 trees per row. CV. The largest farms use mechanical lifts to facilitate harvesting, but are very expensive. Because of that, the focus is mainly on the cost of production, installation of these two techniques, and the demand on labor to implement these orchard management styles. COGSHALL), 820_54 AMINO ACIDS ON MANGO YIELD AND FRUIT QUALITY AT SUBMEDIO SÃO FRANCISCO REGION, BRAZIL, 820_55 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ABOUT TOMMY ATKINS PRODUCTION OUTDOORS AND UNDER PLASTIC GREENHOUSE IN SOUTHERN MAINLAND SPAIN, 820_56 HIGH DENSITY PLANTATION IN MARGINAL SOILS AND PROCESSING OF MANGO, 820_57 GROWTH AND FRUITING OF SOME MANGO CULTIVARS UNDER HIGH DENSITY PLANTATION IN ARID CONDITIONS OF GUJARAT (INDIA), 820_58 MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR INDIAN MANGO CULTIVARS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, 820_59 MINI REVIEW: FUSARIUM SPECIES ASSOCIATED WITH MANGO MALFORMATION DISEASE, 820_60 MALFORMATION PRESENCE IN MANGO SEEDLING TREES CULTIVATED WITHIN INFECTED EGYPTIAN ORCHARDS, 820_61 INTERACTION OF THE MANGO BUD MITE, ACERIA MANGIFERAE, WITH FUSARIUM MANGIFERAE, CAUSAL AGENT OF MANGO MALFORMATION DISEASE, 820_62 MECHANISMS OF RESISTANCE AND SUSCEPTIBILITY OF MANGO FRUITS TO FUNGAL ATTACK, AND THEIR MODULATION BY POST-HARVEST HANDLING AND STORAGE, 820_63 POST HARVEST DISEASE MANAGEMENT IN MANGO (MANGIFERA INDICA L.) CV. Did this project contribute to a larger project? Eight grafts were planted in normal density and 216 grafts were planted in high density employing about 0.162 ha area for each density. Fruit is borne on the ends of branches, so spacing too closely may severely limit fruit production in mature trees d… Mango can be grown in a wide range of soils except clayey or extremely sandy or rocky calcareous, alkaline or water logged soils. Follow. Where it was first developed is hard to pinpoint, but India, Australia, Israel, South Africa, and China are a few of the countries that utilize this method for mango production. Mango farmers have been taken through ultra-high density plantation (UHDP) technology to improve yields and the quality of mangoes produced in the country. If the production of these two systems are about the same, then I would be more inclined to moving forward with the uhdp system, because of the difference in the cost of installing the trellises. Trees are staked up as needed and flowers are removed so the trees can focus on vegetative growth. Advantages of Ultra high density planting system of mango UHDP leads to mango orchards attaining their full potential in 3-4 years. Under the ultra high density method, the mango trees will be planted closer together with lesser space left than in the high density and normal method of cultivation. One tour was with a local high school’s agriculture program and one group was a mix of people from USDA and NRCS. The wire is coiled under tension,so a Spinning Jenny is required to dispense the wire. The uhdp field, in the first two years of pruning and training has been fast and easy. There was 28 participants for this field day, with over half being farmers. Bombay Green (Malda) This is one of the earliest varieties of North India, harvested by the end of June. So ultra high density mango cultivation can be more helpful for the farmers. It prefers a soil pH 6.5 to 7.5. The materials for the trellis cost about $13,000 per acre, which can be very cost prohibitive, especially when considering planting 10 acres or more. 820_14 evaluation of mango cultivars for productive and commercial plantation under punjab conditions of pakistan ... ultra-high density orchard and recognized benefits associated with small tree mango orchards ... 820_75 monitoring fruit flies in mango orchards in south africa and determining the time of … However, There will always be skeptics to major changes and a lot of farmers are waiting to see what the production is like before they will commit the time and money to change over to a new system. Open Tatura trellis field. With the field prepped and laid out, it is time to start planting. The pulp is deep yellow, firm and fiber less. For the third and final year, We have a field day coming up in the spring, by then there should be fruits on the trees and with the trellised field we will continue to go over the demands of pruning and training in the first 3 years of planting. Planting distance depends on the growth of the cultivar and can range from 12 x 12 m apart to 2.5 x 2.5 m in high-density mango orchards. Ghana: Mango farmers using ultra-high density plantation tech Mango farmers have been taken through ultra-high density plantation (UHDP) technology to improve yields … The first wire was set 24 inches from the ground and 18 inches apart between wires. If you miss pruning a flush of growth and there is a second flush,  you will have to prune back two sections. Pruning is required every two months and it is important to keep up with each flush of new leaves and growth. There is a lot of interest for high density planting and at the moment my project is the largest trial in the islands. This is in contrast to the 7-8 years taken by traditional methods of cultivation. This will go a long way in producing a comprehensive report of the ultra high density plantation and the open Tatura trellis systems. HIGH DENSITY PLANTATION IN MARGINAL SOILS AND PROCESSING OF MANGO. suckers forming below graft point need to be removed. Generally about 60 mango saplings can be planted in one acre of orchard area. This is substantially more time than the uhdp field, where most of the time difference is from tying down branches to the wire. The trees are long lived, often over 100 years while still producing fruit. The post holes were dug with a gas powered ground drill and that was essential for the job, hand digging the holes would be very labor and time intensive. Grafting began after the flowering season, which in Hawaii is about March, and continued from March to September, until there was 350 grafted mango trees. Mango trees grow and produce well on various soil types but a sandy loam or loam (with a clay content of 15 to 25%) is ideal. 45 feet should be the maximum span between posts. I believe the difference between these two systems, in the time it takes to prune and train the trees, will be less once the trees reach full size in the field and on the trellis. NAHM-DAWG-MAI-SRI-TONG, 820_91 EFFECTS OF POSTHARVEST TREATMENTS AND MODIFIED ATMOSPHERE ON QUALITY OF 'ESPADA VERMELHA' MANGOES, 820_92 CHILLING INJURY DURING STORAGE AFFECTS RESPIRATION RATE AND FRUIT QUALITY IN KENSINGTON PRIDE MANGO FRUIT, 820_93 CHILLING INJURY DURING STORAGE INFLUENCES RIPENING PROCESS IN KENSINGTON PRIDE MANGO FRUIT, 820_94 THE PRODUCTION OF MANGO CHIPS FROM MANGIFERA INDICA LINN. The first pruning is at the height of or a couple inches below the first wire. The Tatura trellis system has been around for about 30 years and was developed at the Tatura research institute in Victoria, Australia, with the goal of improving productivity and sustainability of temperate zoned fruits and through trial and error the trellises were a success and the practice has been accepted worldwide. CV. 820, 447-462, International Society for Horticultural Science,, Division Tropical and Subtropical Fruit and Nuts, Division Physiology and Plant-Environment Interactions of Horticultural Crops in Field Systems, 820_1 MANGO PRODUCTION IN SOUTH AFRICA AS COMPARED TO THE REST OF THE WORLD, 820_2 STRUCTURE AND PRODUCTIVITY OF SPANISH MANGO INDUSTRY: A FARMERS SURVEY ANALYSIS, 820_3 INNOVATIONS DRIVING SPANISH MANGO ORCHARDS TOWARDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: A TECHNOLOGY-ADOPTION ANALYSIS, 820_4 NEW PRACTICES IN MANGO CULTIVATION IN ECUADOR, 820_6 MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR EXPORTING MANGOES AND MANGO PRODUCTS FROM INDIA, 820_7 THE OFF SEASON USA MANGO MARKET. Planting densities over 300 trees per acre is considered ultra high density. Ground anchors are required for each end of the rows that will be the main support for carrying the weight of the trees and fruit to come. Browse more videos. Invest 50,000 and earn 200,000 in 6 months in fish farming .Pond design for high density fish farming-Biofloc fish farming. A wire basket was made with concrete mesh and a 12 inch piece of 5/8 inch rebar with 5/8 inch by four feet long chain attached and placed within the basket to add strength to the concrete. The idea behind the increased density and the short trees is to lessen the demand on labor, while maximizing the use of available land and resources. Nearly 700 trees are planted in an acre instead of the traditional process of planting 60 trees in an acre. Grafting tools: scion wood wrapped in Paraffin wax tape, green nursery tape, clippers, utility knife, alcohol spray, rag, Polyembrionic seed with multiple seedlings. of tropical plant and soil science/ University of Hawaii Manoa (Other college or university). Traditionally, mango orchards were planted at a density of 50 trees per acre, with a spacing of 25 feet by 25 feet. Ultra high density plantation (UHDP) techniques for mango will be demonstrated by planting 310 trees on a 1/2 acre of land. For this project, the ground anchors were made out of concrete and chain. The branch will then flush new growth, after the third flush it should be between 18 inches to 30 inches. If you need any information on mango farming you can reach us on NAHM-DAWG-MAI, 820_97 CANNED MANGO JUICE PROCESSING FROM MANGIFERA INDICA LINN. Once this year’s field is planted I will have the data needed to do a detailed cost analysis of the UHDP vs. open tatura trellis system vs. traditional orchard layout. Having taken up the UHDP programme three years ago, Naidu planted over 600 trees in an acre, compared with just 40 trees in the traditional practice, which yielded him just 1.5 tonnes of mangoes an acre. 3/4 inch barbed staples were used to attach the wire to five.... Do not like chemicals sprayed on their fruits and vegetables a local high school ’ s main was. Between these two orchard management systems are relatively new, there is very important wire on the and..., V.R and growth will continue to have farm tours for any interested farmers and continue looking for outreach.... Day, with a lot towards Research and trials to improve and adapt open. Quality mangoes with proper pruning every year, these trees are staked up as needed and are! And processing of mango step was to back fill the holes adding half... People from USDA and NRCS will attend the Waipa mango Festival and the use of inputs people from USDA NRCS! Mango ( UHD ) planting complete 50 trees per acre spacing of feet... 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