I don't want people reading this to think that I think it is ok not to love your child, I think its horrible and I hate that I feel this way BUT I can't deny it to myself anymore. I feel your pain of what you went through and going through now. I'll be 60 in October and have suffered all my life from depression and anxiety, and I know it was from bad parenting. There are plenty of parents out there who raise truly happy and loved kids despite having grown up in a challenging family themselves. A new theory aims to make sense of it all. I am having lot of health issues because of abnormal stress levels since I know.Now I'm living on edge and almost contemplating suicide non stop. He complains I have an attidude for everthing and I'm never satisfied but I just complaine that our love life is just boring and dull. Sometimes, as parents, we are triggered by memories of our own childhood, causing feelings of inadequacy, fear, or … Favorite Answer. Relationships 6 Signs of Falling Out of Love with a Partner There's a difference between loving and being in love. Any parent, or any person for that matter, needs their loving feelings reciprocated in some way, with an occasional smile or hug, or those feelings eventually fade. In Compassionate Child-Rearing, I described many parents who came to understand and feel for what had happened to them as children. Please start realizing that if you done this much, you can do more -- you can create meaningful relationships, pursue activities that fulfill you, contribute to your community in various way, and much more. I have read your book on death anxiety and found it wonderful and informative. You hit the nail on the head, I totally agree. I know there's something horribly wrong with me, so please - you don't have to be kind, but please bear in mind I don't know if I can go on like this anymore. I clawed my out of it and it gave me insight to why I’ve never felt love from my own mother. The Neglectful Parent or Overprotective Parent. I don’t put any stock in psychology anymore. However, I’m almost forty and I just don’t find the same kind of excitement in playing the games he wants to play. If you don’t love your child, if you resent them, or if you ‘love’ them but don’t ‘like’ them, then they will pick up on this to a certain extent through your mannerisms and the way you act toward them – just as you start to suspect something is wrong in a relationship before you get dumped. I told my wife no. Thinking you love your children is not love. Parents tend to use their children as immortality projects, which has a destructive effect on their offspring. This article is not about enhancing shame. You can choose to place your child for adoption with them, known as an identified adoption. It's like being in an abusive relationship that you not only can't escape but that you have to feel guilty about wanting to escape. Obviously, impressing sameness is highly damaging to children. One way you may attempt to self-manage the guilty feelings that accompany your inability to love your child, is to become that overprotective parent. thank you dr firestone. 1 1. Apparently, so does my daughter. You sound judgmental and preachy. The depression is unbareable. Patmx3@aol. 11 Answers. It doesn't make you a bad person it makes you and honest person. Posted Mar 02, 2018 We all have unmet needs in some form. On Kristin Neff's website about "Self-Compassion" --- you may find a lot of help in the exercises posted there. But I don’t tell them or any one else “I love … They probably never have been depressed. If you had a very controlling mother or father when you were young, it is likely that you felt out of control. As the article points out, parents who get counseling to address their childhood issues or trauma or immaturity, may become a better parent and give their child a better chance at being raised in a healthy manner. I agree. There’s definitely been a rise in the “honest mom” genre—which often overlaps with the wine-swilling, benignly neglectful “bad mom” thing—with countless sarcastic Twitter accounts and social media personalities devoted to gallows humour over the harder, grosser, less joyful parts of parenting. I was never sure if I wanted children, but even though I didn't know how I'd feel, when it happened (accident) I … All rights reserved. We fight alot about really stupit things. Once it is pointed out the parent has a chance to correct it. You hope they do something awful just so you have a plausible excuse to leave. Neither parent is stigmatized nor are they judged as 'good' or 'bad' -- learning not to be judgmental really is a challenge, especially when it comes to judging yourself. To wit, is there a difference between being "in love" and love? 13 Answers. Take care. My ex-long story short I had to leave him even tho I didn't want to-killed himself last April and I have been drowning in his absolute lack of existence ever since, even if he didn't believe that would happen. No matter how well-intentioned, many people are unfortunately not prepared for the task of raising children. Its never too late. In time, this can cause resentment and ultimately cut off those loving feelings that you may have felt initially for your baby. If you don’t love your child, if you resent them, or if you ‘love’ them but don’t ‘like’ them, then they will pick up on this to a certain extent through your mannerisms and the way you act toward them – just as you start to suspect something is wrong in a relationship before you get dumped. When parents with teens in crisis get overwhelmed with no hope, they start a process within them to protect their heart. NC because this is so terrible, I know it is. There might be a lot less screwed up adults. This awareness is key for intentional change. You have a lot of wisdom to share with others. As usual, making it all about what she feels instead of keeping a broader view, but not malicious-she hated the fact that she is why I'm like this, heading into my third hospitalization and subsequent long term structured residence for the not-really-ok-but-trying crowd, and I suspect your mom might be reacting in a similar way. Faced with the emotional pain that it causes them, parents will unconsciously distance themselves from their child. You know when someone feels something for you because shock horror, you can feel the emotion, the energy from that person. This article is a bad one and promotes guilt in parents. Therefore, as an adult, you are likely to be controlling. Then I’m ready to put on my “big girl pants” on. Maybe. But when it comes to my kids, I feel nothing. Why don't I love my children anymore. Knowing in my heart that I feel nothing for him only makes the stress worse. Compensating though Competition and Control. Too bad more people don't look at themselves and their motivations when they deal with their kids. Its hard and killing me. Nothing is carved in granite; through introspection and self-analysis, you can recognize and acknowledge your own developmental history. But I never expect them to say it back. The truth is people end up having kids for various reasons, you can't always plan having a kid and not everybody is aware of their issues and this sort of article only says:"You shouldn't have had a kid to begin with." As they grow older, children find numerous ways of defending themselves in order to relieve or numb their pain. 6. Your comments about your son are awful - I would like to report you to social services for an evaluation - you are a risk to him. My son is 11 but is cognitively 7. Parental love enhances the well-being and development of children. Polite, you're so much more than you think you are, and I urge you to stop thinking of, and labeling, yourself as a failure. Most parents do their very best and love their children very much and do not have to worry about the "harm" they've done to their kids. And my son is very handsome, so much so that I’ve had people tell me he doesn’t “look” autistic (weird right?) But I do wanna open up the possibility that your mom doesn't agree that everyone would be better off if you didn't exist. Don’t get my wrong, our son is as entertaining as he is wild and playing with him can be tons of fun. They may grow to be resilient but will still have unconscious processes playing out in their own adult relationships. Though the view is on-the-whole unfair, it is sometimes true. Thank you Robert for so concisely detailing my condition and if only people were more aware of the signs and symptoms (which you haven't mentioned) of this condition then so many young, brilliant men could have gone on to lead happy and fulfilling lives. Best wishes to you. I actually found this article through a Google search on "why don't mothers love their children." This is a very important article, because today's children are tomorrow's adults. My son’s father treated me horribly when I was pregnant and some think extreme stress when one is pregnant can add to the autism piece. There is not a word, phrase or sentence in this article that doesn't perfectly describe what I went through as a child or am currently going through as a 40 year old man suffering from severe childhood emotional abandonment. You would certainly feel empathic toward a close friend if they were in your situation. (esp. If you feel panicked at the thought of that, there's probably an issue. Many people find it difficult or intolerable to accept love—in particular, the simple direct loving … During infancy, attuned interactions between a baby and its mother (or primary caregiver) are especially important because they provide the baby with the environment necessary for learning how to regulate emotions and for developing empathy. Yes? Really?? This allows you to compensate for your hostile … As a result, if your child gets too much attention from others, including family members, you may dominate your child in an effort to squash your child's self-esteem. Only then can you find your way back to a healthy and happy relationship with your baby. Telling you love your children is not love. You have that, btw. Yet, there are many different views defining it that have transcended time and space. When discussing a popular amorphous word, such as "love," it would do great service for each side of the discussion to first make a clear and acceptable definition of the term. Which is a mistake. The chemical changes that your body goes through during pregnancy and delivery often effect your emotions and can create an imbalance that can contribute to depression after birth. ........... You survived; you have insight; you're in therapy -- you've built a palace! People love to talk about how resilient kids are. Lori June 18, 2015 at 8:05 pm - Reply Sounds pretty defensive and angry to me. And as she got older and saw how much of an impact her leaving had on us, she started to feel very guilty. If it evokes shame, most likely the parent is feeling guilty about their poor parenting skills. If this is your situation, then you may feel that the responsibility of raising a child is too much for you to bear. You come from a family of origin, and that family of origin is your history. This can cause tension and even resentment in the parent and a self-protective, defensive retreat from feeling that is directly or indirectly hurtful to their children. JVC, If you were demeaned and dismissed in your family of origin, you may suffer from low self-esteem. I cannot undo anything that has already been done but I am here for my children as long as I draw breath. Looking Back in Order to Move Forward. What to do when your child says you don’t love them. For one, we all have *that* cousin or uncle who’s a little off. Her response was have nothing to add and I haven't heard from her since. Even though they have been a primary cause of these behaviors, parents find it difficult to love or even like a child who exhibits these attributes. They still need success from me rather than addressing hurt I'm having right now. The more self‑protective a person is, the more he or she will act out his or her defenses on the child and progressively fail to perceive the child correctly and encourage healthy development. For example, when I was a kid I wanted to be a musician. Love is an action, a way of doing. We were raised by strict, overprotective Indian parents. Huh? I have massive guilt because i know im not what my sons needs and to be true. One thing I have learned to do (repeatedly), is to understand that they are a product of their own parenting, knowledge, skills, and awareness. The assumption that parents, especially mothers, have a “natural” love for their child is a fundamental part of our belief system—and the core of family life and society. Stop pregnancy and realise why i have little to no bond but imitation parenting going on. jm. ... Im sure you love your daughter otherwise you wouldn't go on here looking for help. For example, codependent and counter dependent behaviours, at best. Posted Mar 02, 2018 Parents have unresolved trauma in their own lives. Dear Deb, a thousand times a day, but that doesn't make it true. These poor kids never had a chance. Maybe it makes them feel like what they do is ok. It's not ok of her, that's not at all what I'm saying, I just wanna show you a different way it could be that doesn't reflect on your intrinsic value as a human being. I don’t think I am in love with my husband anymore, but is there any way to fall back in love?” Her words really resonated with me because I hear this question so often. Don't think I can carry on for long with health issues which I'm pretty sure was brought by demands which were placed on me every minute of early age. of age, are driving the kid abck and forth to a part-time job. It was early evening—the witching hour—and nothing about parenting my two kids, ages eight and four, was going remotely well. He's not you: he's an entirely different person and who knows why he is able to hold on to his love and concern. They confuse the powerful feelings of longing and possession they have toward their offspring for genuine feelings of love. I think it's important to include NPD parents in this list as a separate point. Wow. Parents try to impose sameness on their children because they can’t live on through their children if the children are different from them. Everyone who has ever heard their parent insist "I love you!" The author gives a suggestion of an action that could open the door to solutions in the 2nd to last paragraph. Perhaps you were neglected or abused or had a competitive, controlling, jealous, demeaning or toxic parent. I’ve got 3 parenting tips for dealing with “I don’t love you!” I struggle with my mother-daughter relationship. The article blames parents for things done subconsciencly, yet does that very thing to parents reading article! At two yrs old my son was dumped in my lap and I was made to feel it was my responsibility. By withdrawing from you, she doesn't have to see the direct result of her actions on your life and well-being. Very often this myth has an adverse effect, though, in that it leads to a failure to challenge negative behaviors within family life. I have massive guilt because i know im not what my sons needs and to be true. You chose to have sex, right? From this article, I see behavior in my boys that was from my parenting style. Guess we all have our sins. Forget these people that say your crazy! Looking Back in Order to Move Forward. We've seperated and have been trying to make it work but the feelings have all gone for me. When I … It was not uncommon some time ago (and still occurs today) that professionals and academics in social sciences would receive criticisms from their counterparts in natural sciences because the latter viewed the former as non-scientists since their disciplines lack "intellectual rigor." I mean this sincerely. This is a formula for excessive domination. Now George plays his: "I don't give a fuck that Auntie died." its not just from my child- i think i feel the most love and appreciation from him out of everyone in my life….my husband mom inlaws—–its sad how they just dont … I'm a nervous wreck after reading that worrying that I give too much love or don't show enough!!! Relevance. First of all, I'm very sorry that you feel so guilty about what you consider to be your 'lack of love' for your son. Now George plays his: "I don't give a fuck that Auntie died." As a result, they were able to develop more compassion for their past, and for their present-day limitations. Blame (internal/external) is redundant - as we all the best we can to the ability of our knowledge and awareness at any given time. 4. Some people just aren't fit to be parents. He has no interest in other people's interests, has never asked me how my day was--not once. I prayed. Well, I guess it is weakness -- I wasn't strong enough to stand up to her when I should have. 7. The first time I said it out loud, I was alone in the bathroom at home. Hi, could be that your parents did harm, but at what point is an adult responsible for their actions, and stop blaming their parents. Are you an adult in pain because you haven't come to terms with how your parents treated you, or are you a parent who knows deep down that you're not nurturing your own children? If you look closely, you may realize that disliking your child is more about you than them—because it has to do with your reaction to their behavior. I gave up on the endless cycle of blame and guilt that pop psychology gives people. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. In order to serve this purpose, children must replicate their parent’s attitudes and choices. With a lessening of this pressure and the subsequent relaxation for both parent and child, they may even regain genuine loving feelings and regard for one another. Mine suddenly divorced my dad and gave him custody of me and my sister when I was about 7, and I've been emotionally stunted ever since-i already had high levels of anxiety for a kid, that level of rejection sent me running for cover. But this article is to help you become aware to be able to make change for yourself, therefore positively affecting your children. Answer Save. If they cannot love themselves or have developed a negative conception of themselves and their bodies, and extend this shame and negativity to their productions, they cannot pass on love and tenderness to this remarkable creation of theirs. If we want to create a more harmonious society, we need to be aware of how we bring up our children, and the mistakes we inevitably make. 5. I think the article correctly points out the mistakes some parents are making and gives valid reasons for why their parenting skills are lacking. while that parent is belittling them, neglecting them, and putting obstacles in their path knows that everything in this article is true. Parents’ unfulfilled primitive hunger for love and care from their childhood causes them, in turn, to focus these strong desires on their children. I read your comment and im basically like you. If this is the case, chances are that you don't love your partner anymore—or your partner doesn't value you. Not all of these apply to me but a couple of them do. He does annoying stuff and then laughs about it mischievously, even when someone is at the crying point. We were having some issues, and I just couldn't live with her anymore. I firmly believe, tho, that nothing will change as long as you're rooted in a negative self-view. If so, they will tend to be misattuned to their children, especially when their children approach periods in their lives that were traumatic for the parent. Blaming (bad-parent/bad-child) creates emotional and behavioural barriers for positive change. I start my second round of therapy next week, and finally started anti-depressants today. But it was more than just a rough night; it was a stark and deeply unpleasant sense that there had been many nights like this and there would be many more to come. If they differ, their independent actions are misinterpreted as defiant or rebellious. And the only advice we can truly count on, is scriptural- the Bible! My mother will never apologise as she sees herself as above all reproach, and that she has been persecuted for her parenting choices which included refusing to cook or keep the house clean, refusing to teach basic life skills, refusal to let me earn a paycheque as a young adult, denial of medical care, forced isolation (because only she can love me, and everyone else will hurt me and only she has the patience to deal with insane, retarded, evil me). Another parent may suppress her children's pain in just the opposite way—by over-comforting and over-protecting them. A lot of the reasons given in the article ring true. My mother has been pretty much the same as yours, it sounds like. I’d say, “I love you, Sweetie,” and hear nothing in response. Then, forced to marry the father which I knew I wasn't ready to do, but had no where to go- so I married him. The “loving” fingers of the immature parent are felt as possessive, sucking tentacles, which drain the children rather than nurture them. I think you need more support, a bit more free time so you don’t feel so trapped/ suffocated. Parents are having to make hard decisions about whether or not to send kids back to school. Its hard and killing me. I have apologized to my now adult children. ✨. She takes that attitude with pretty much everything I do. 4 Warning Signs of a High Conflict Partner. This is a common sign you don't care about your partner anymore that you might not admit to feeling. I don't want my child anymore! It is here that you can become competitive for your mate's attention towards your son or daughter. A good counselor will help define your family's characteristics as well as the triggers for stress, anxiety and support. However, jealousy knows no bounds, and you may also feel envious of the attention your son or daughter receives from others. Relationships 6 Signs of Falling Out of Love with a Partner There's a difference between loving and being in love. Any comparison is really an attack by the critical inner voice. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. My mother decided after two guitar lessons that I wasn't practicing hard enough (my fingers had blistered), and she signed me up for soccer -- despite the fact I told her I didn't want to play soccer! It … I Don’t Love My Child Anymore She Said – Or Does She? Even when it came time to go to college, she was insistent that I go to the most selective one I could get into, not the one that had programs that matched my goals, etc. Why thank you almighty font of knowledge.... Any advice for people who find themselves doing these things even though they don't want to? Relevance. It hurts when my child says she doesn’t love me. The article does create shame. Everyone has unmet needs, and most are unaware of their early conditioning. They may become unruly, defiant, disobedient, obnoxious, demanding, hostile or generally unpleasant. Thank God he has a dad who somehow loves through all of this, but there's a reason my son has no friends and is a teacher's worst nightmare. Do You or Your Partner Have an Avoidant Attachment Pattern. Due to inadequate or problematic parenting styles, many children develop traits that are unlikeable or intolerable. If you look closely, you may realize that disliking your child is more about you than them—because it has to do with your reaction to their behavior. I don’t want to sit on my couch in the middle of the night looking at my child and wondering what I did to have a child who sees no point in sleeping, who at 8 still can’t say ‘mama’ and who still thinks the world revolves around his needs only. But, by God's grace, I raised those 4 kids all on my own. I am a failure. 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