Although the characteristics are not necessarily the same- indeed, both correspond to different personality traits, yet they are complementary to each other. A review of the historical approaches to leadership will highlight these two divergent approaches. Researchers found participative leadership to be most effective when subordinates were engaged in nonrepetitive, ego-involving tasks. Leaders ensure an open exchange of ideas by allowing mistakes, soliciting new methods for problem  solving, and  evaluating followers’  processes rather than just situational outcomes. Components  of transformational and  transactional leadership principles are incorporated into training strategies used by governments, corporations, and sports teams. Avolio, Bruce , Bernard M. Bass, Fred O. Walumbwa, and W. Zhu. Men are considerably more likely to enact leadership behaviors than are women in studies of leaderless groups, and as a result are more likely to emerge as leaders (Eagly, 1987). In turn, followers increase their receptiveness and  add  legitimacy to  the  leader’s  influence (Hollander 1993). Potter, Earl , William E. Rosenbach, and Thane S. Pittman. New leaders should encourage their people to take risks in order to achieve their goals, and be prepared to pick up the pieces if they fail. Just from $10/Page. Transactional leaders use a contingent reward system, manage by exception, watch followers to catch them doing something wrong, and intervene only when standards are not met. A contingency model of leadership effectiveness. The participative style encourages getting the opinions and help of others. Participation, Satisfaction, and Productivity: A Meta-analytic Review. The leader acts as a coach, teacher, and mentor for each subordinate, providing individual attention and feedback, both positive and negative (Bass 1996). Text Message for a Quote: 1-570-301-7456. This sample Leadership Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. Sex differences in social behavior: A social role interpretation. To maintain the exchange, leaders must be careful to nurture the relationship with the in-group, giving them sufficient power to satisfy their needs but not so much power that they become independent. Still other theories examine the relationship between the leader and his or her followers as the key to understanding leadership. Eagly, A. H. (1987). Ethical leaders stimulate followers to think independently and to question the leader’s views. Miller, Katherine , and Peter R. Monge. What about professional research paper help on Effective Leadership topics!? People in these cultures often fear that leaders will acquire and abuse power and as a result substantial restraints are placed on the exercise of leadership. Longitudinal studies of organizational effectiveness provide support for this idea. Mentors often pave the way for their protégé’s success by providing opportunities for achievement, nominating them for promotion, and arranging for their recognition. Research suggests that leadership emergence is an orderly process that reflects a rational group process whereby the individual with the most skill or experience or intelligence or capabilities takes charge. Free Leadership Essays and Papers. Weber, M 1946. Leaders set a direction for their followers and help them to focus their energies on achieving their goals. A major goal of the project was to develop societal and organizational measures of culture and leader attributes that were appropriate to use across all cultures. Get discount 10% for the first order. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Leaders are believed to set smart goals for the subordinates and empower them enough to achieve the organizational goals. The Behavioral Approach, VIII. This reciprocal relation has been formally recognized in the vertical dyad linkage approach (Dansereau, Graen, & Haga, 1975), now commonly referred to as leader-member exchange (LMX) theory (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29, 1371–1394. New leaders should operate in a learning mode. He argues that a prerequisite to effective leadership is followership. Authoritarian leaders have to direct on the visi… There are several techniques that promote these goals. Blake, R. R., & Mouton, J. S. (1984). Eight leadership traits (e.g., ruthlessness and irritability) were identified as being universally undesirable. If a leader’s  style is not appropriate for the specific situation, the leader will not be successful and an organization must change the leader. In the early 1900s, psychologists developed intelligence testing to measure individual differences in analytic ability. Paper Masters custom writes research papers on leadership and defines what makes a great leader, either by looking at current business theory or current leaders. Miller, R. L., Butler, J., & Cosentino, C. J. published articles on leadership, from 136 in 1970-71, to 258 in 1980-81, 1,105 in 1990-91, and a staggering 10,062 in 2001-02 (an average of 419 articles per month) (Storey, 2004). Revolve your story around one topic. The review ends by giving the most recent developments in the field and the impact they have had on business organizations. Special offer! Zaccaro, S. J. 2004. knowledge of leadership that I currently withhold. Murphy, S. E., & Ensher, E. A. Howell, J. M., & Avolio, B. J. Bass, B. M. (1997). Hersey and Blanchard used the terms task behaviors and relationship behaviors and sought to explain why leadership effectiveness varies across these two dimensions. Hunt, James , Uma Sekaran, and Chester A. Schriesheim. “Can You See the Real Me?” A Self-based Model of Authentic Leader and Follower Development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Avolio, B. J., Sosik, J. J., Jung, D. I., & Bierson, Y. The Impact of Leader Behavior and Leader-follower Personality Match on Satisfaction and Unit Performance. The implications of this model are that leaders who possess an awareness of their subordinates’ involvement can improve the decision-making process. In this report a discussion will be presented about the role of the leaders in aligning the employees of the organization. This paper analyzes the leadership approach of two leaders, the founder of, Jeff Bezos, and the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, Jack Ma. 1982. (2007). (Eds.). . White, Susan , and Edwin A. Locke. Order Essay. In a speech given at the University of Maryland, Warren Bennis said, “[A] leader has to be able to change an organization that is dreamless, soulless and visionless…someone’s got to make a wake-up call. A 1976 theory of charismatic leadership. Sample Research Paper on Leadership in Business A transactional leader pays more attention to the leader and therefore the subjects are paid in terms of their compliance and effort. He concluded that the individual who serves are not solely leaders but also followers. Results failed to  support  the  contingency model predictions. Gender and the emergence of leaders: A meta-analysis. In, Hollander, Edwin P., and Lynn Offermann. When under pressure, task-oriented leaders become anxious, defensive, and domineering. They also promote a vision that aligns with their follower’s needs and aspirations rather than with their own personal vision. The  response is contingent  upon  differences in both the individual and the task. Idiosyncratic credits are often defined as a tit-for-tat exchange. Job Resignation as a Function of Role Orientation and Leader Acceptance: A Longitudinal Investigation of Organizational Assimilation. However, the similarities end there, and leadership definitions do not always fit into the applications for which they are used. Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meeting, 189–192. House proposed three areas that would affect the path-goals relationship: the task, the characteristics of the followers, and the nature of the group to which the followers belong. Perrow, C. (1970). Peer reviewed paper presented at the Gallop Leadership Institute Summit, Omaha, NE. Katherine Miller and Peter Monge (1986) meta-analyzed research on the effects of participation in decision making on satisfaction and productivity. In. Supportive leadership. It begins with an agreement between the coach and the leader as to the nature of the coaching relationship, to include what is to be done and how it will be done. On Leadership: An Alternative to the Conventional Wisdom. Eagly, A., & Johnson, B. The subordinates are left to take and act on what the leader prescribes and have little or no role in decision making. As many definitions of leadership exist as do authors who have studied the concept. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. It is the process by which others are motivated to contribute to the success of the groups of which they are members. In this theory,  leaders are seen as active transforming agents, changing the  outlook  and  behavior of  their  followers (Burns 1978). 1977. 2000. Page 1 of 50 - About 500 essays. The answer is none of them is uniformly preferred, and each process has different costs and benefits. View Leadership Style Research Papers on for free. Conceptions and definitions  of  leader and  leadership  have been  reviewed by Carroll Shartle (1956), Bernard Bass (1960), and James Hunt  and colleagues (1982), among others. Hemphill, John 1950. Judge, Timothy , and Ronald F. Piccolo. Ask NOT “What should be taught in leadership courses?” but “How can leaders be helped to learn?” Research is needed to understand how leaders learn from their experiences, especially when they are coping with crises (see Avolio, 2007). 100 Years of Leadership Intervention Studies: A MetaAnalysis. Some leadership traits were dependent upon the culture, including ambition and elitism. They often use symbols to focus the efforts of their followers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67, 737–743. Charismatic and Transformational Leadership. Leadership in organizations (4th ed.). These implicit theories also guide members in their evaluations of the leader’s effectiveness. LEADERSHIP RESEARCH PAPER: POLITICAL LEADERSHIP 2 Leadership Research Paper: Political Leadership There are no argues bigger then argues about leadership. The leader sets standards of performance and provides guidelines and expectations to subordinates on how to achieve those standards. The study of leadership is not only a search for understanding the thoughts and actions of leaders, but also an investigation into how to improve the performance and motivation of both  individuals and  groups. As a result of the readings/videos, assignments, and discussions I was enlightened that situational factors can a strong effect on leadership. A second approach to leadership development is a technique known as grid training. . Networking is specifically designed to connect leaders with key personnel who can help them accomplish their everyday tasks. Download 15-page research paper on "Ethical Leadership" (2021) ☘ … the past thirty years that business and political leaders are thoroughly mistrusted. The members of the in-group are given high levels of responsibility, influence over decision making, and access to resources. The leader solicits ideas and suggestions from subordinates and invites them to participate in decisions that directly affect them. 3 Leadership Research Paper Literature Review Robert Greenleaf was the first writer to describe the phrase servant leader. The League of Nations, created after the World War I, failed to meet the challenges of the times in large part because of a failure to secure effective leadership. A growing number of researchers have found that subordinates may affect leaders as much as leaders affect subordinates. Other theories centering on charisma focus on attributes (Conger and Kanungo 1987), self-concept (Shamir et al. Situational favorability is determined by three factors: the extent to which the task facing the group is structured, the legitimate power of the leader, and the relations between the leader and his subordinates. They have also assisted in answering the question, “Can we develop leaders?” However, these theories do not address the most pressing questions. The role of the situation in leadership. This research paper has endeavored to provide the grounding needed to understand and undertake the leadership challenges facing organizations in the 21st century. Theorists have developed many different theories about leadership, and although none of the theories completely explains everything about leadership, each has received some scientific support. Does the transactional-transformational leadership paradigm transcend organizational and national boundaries? Use early success in achievable tasks to build confidence. “Leadership is a process of giving purpose [meaningful direction] to collective effort, and causing willing effort to be expended to achieve purpose” (Jacobs and Jaques 1990, p. 281). Project GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) is an extensive international project involving 170 researchers who have gathered data from 18,000 managers in 62 countries (House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorman, & Gupta, 2004). To do this the new leader must listen intently and provide feedback that demonstrates that he or she has truly heard what others have said. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. McNatt, Brian. Although the charismatic style is familiar to us, some of the others are not. Bass, Bernard , and Ralph M. Stogdill. According to implicit leadership theory, a leader’s  behavior will not  be effective unless the person is perceived as a leader (Calder 1977). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Culture, leadership, and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies. Leadership And Leadership Of Leadership 877 Words | 4 Pages. Leadership. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. It gives them hope. The Great Person Theory suggests that some people are marked for greatness and dominate the times in which they live. This approach examines the extent to which leaders should involve their subordinates in decision-making processes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 127–136. (1977). With this in mind, he suggested that leaders need to understand what their style is and to manipulate the situation so that the two match. (1971). The research explains the nature of the transformational leadership style that helps Howard Schultz guide his employees in the global marketplace. It’ll make your essay focused and subject-concentrated. Hollander, Edwin P., and Lynn Offermann. With this research paper, my aim is to review and present three scholarly journals that highlight the impact that leadership can play on the ethical performance of an organization. After decades of research, in which the list of traits grew dramatically, researchers realized that the same person could be effective in one context (Winston Churchill as war leader) but ineffective in another context (Winston Churchill, who was removed from office immediately after the war was over). A leadership style is the leader’s method o… 1979. A Meta-analysis of the Relation Between Personality Traits and Leadership Perceptions: An Application of Validity Generalization  Procedures. Another trait often attributed to effective leaders is intelligence. The self-protective style involves following agreed-upon procedures, being cognizant of the status hierarchy, and saving face. Path-goal theory of leadership. Question 5. 1969. A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness. In J. Carroll (Ed. Achievement-oriented leadership. If the situational  variables are  the  most  influential  aspects of leadership success, then  the  training  models employed would seem most important. Also study: Leadership Research Paper Example At that time leaders must be remain calm and energetic as well as it has to make sure by the leaders that they are not going to be manage just a little task they are managing a whole team of different people that are working on the same goal. +1-315 515-4588 2004. Other  relationshipand influence-oriented theories include implicit leadership theory, leader-member exchange theory, and Pygmalion theory. LEADERSHIP RESEARCH PAPER. As a leadership development tool, networking is designed to reduce the isolation of leaders and help them better understand the organization in which they work. Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership model sought to answer this question. Pfeffer, J. One of the first tasks of a new leader is building trust. One question that researchers have tried to answer is “who is exerting the influence?” During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, “great man” theories dominated leadership discussions. Members use their implicit theories to sort people into either leaders or followers based on the extent to which others conform to their implicit theory of what a leader should be. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. In contrast, person-oriented leaders function best in situations that are only moderately favorable, which is often based on the quality of leader-member relations. These findings appear consistent with the core focus of these theories. Another form of internal leadership development is mentoring. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. To do this, we should embrace the idea that there are many different ways to achieve the same outcome. The great man concept suggested that leaders possessed special traits or characteristics that allowed them to ascend above others and enhanced their ability to be leaders (Hollander and Offermann 1990b). A Path-Goal Theory of Leader Effectiveness. Yukl, G. A. Charles de Gaulle described this last trait best when he noted that “A true leader always keeps an element of surprise up his sleeve, which others cannot grasp but which keeps his public excited and breathless.”. One of the first psychologists to develop a contingency approach to leadership effectiveness was Fred Fiedler (1964, 1967), who believed that a leader’s style is a result of lifelong experiences that are not easy to change. One important aspect of intelligence that does predict leader effectiveness is emotional intelligence, which includes not only social skills but strong self-monitoring skills, which provide the leader with feedback as to how followers feel about the leader’s actions. 2005; Avolio and Gardner 2005; Avolio, Gardner, Walumbwa, et al. New-genre theories, such as transformational leadership, are believed to have strong affective and cognitive components, and they are thus positively linked to such dependent variables as liking, trust, or intellectual engagement. Leaders give their followers personal attention and treat each person individually. 1973. Weber proposed that charisma can occur when a leader with certain qualities emerges during a crisis to propose a new vision (Weber 1946). However, anyone can improve his or her leadership skills. Authoritarian leadership styles is a method employed by leaders when implementing policies. Shaw, Marvin , and Philip R. Costanzo. Finally, they have the skills to promote attitudinal, behavioral, and emotional change in their followers. In sum up, effective leaders have power over specific traits and show specific behaviors or styles of leadership. These leaders demonstrate inherent  motivation,  continuous  learning, shared risk, common lifestyle with their followers, competency, trust, and loyalty (Kolditz 2007). Although many popular books on leadership provide a checklist of activities in which the leader should engage, most of these lists disregard the impact of the situation. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. This kind of feedback can be useful in identifying areas in need of improvement. These cognitive structures are called implicit leadership theories or leader prototypes. (2004). McGregor, D. (1960). It is important to recognize that charismatic leadership can have a dark side. A leader can be anyone in the organization, regardless of their particular role in the organizational structure. New leaders should show passion for their group, its purpose, and its people in order to reassure followers that the new leader is there to make the group better, not to further his or her personal ambitions. New York: Perseus. Charismatic leadership enhances followers’ cooperation and motivation. Under pressure, person-oriented leaders tend to withdraw socially. The process by which someone becomes formally or informally, perceptually or behaviorally, and implicitly or explicitly recognized as a leader is leadership emergence. “Leadership is influencing people—by providing purpose, direction and motivation—while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization” (Department of the Army 1999, pp. The failure of this approach to recognize the importance of the situation in providing clear distinctions between leaders and followers with regard to their traits caused many scientists to turn their attention elsewhere. 2004. The leader’s role is to cushion the risk by providing support and encouragement, and knowing and drawing from his or her people’s best capabilities. Jacobs, T. Owens, and Elliot J 1990. Submit Paper. Research indicates that these peer relationships tend to be long-lasting. For example, there is strong empirical support for the trait approach when traits are organized according to the five-factor model of personality. Other traits that have been identified are confidence, integrity, discipline, courage, self-sufficiency, humor, and mystery. You may think of actual people who have been recognized for their leadership capabilities. Academy of Management Executive, 6(2), 43–54. The best variant would be to understand the reason of your Leadership . A research program at Ohio State in the 1940s attempted to measure leadership behavior as group members described the behavior of the leader. The new leader should engage people purposefully at all levels, knowing that the distance between the front line and senior leadership is often so great that one small piece of information may have tremendous impact. 2000, p. 130). Some of the more  recent  definitions  focus on  influence,  collective understanding, effectiveness, and facilitation: The common thread in the majority of definitions is that leadership is an active process of one person exerting influence over one or more other persons toward a common goal or objective. The study of followership includes an understanding of two separate dimensions of follower initiative: performance and relationships. The definition provided by the U.S. Army is comprehensive and useful. If that is so, what should leaders consider in making adjustments? The Ohio State studies referred to this as consideration, the Managerial Grid calls this country club leadership, and McGregor uses the term Theory Y. Person-oriented leaders see their followers as responsible, self-controlled, and intrinsically motivated. Similarly, Miller, Butler, and Cosentino (2004) found that the effectiveness of followers conformed to the same rules as those Fiedler applied to leaders. The human side of enterprise. In thinking about what leaders do, it is important to distinguish between leadership and management. Shelley Kirkpatrick  and  Edwin Locke (1991) found that successful leaders’ traits include drive, the desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, cognitive ability, and competence. Individuals who rate their LPC as uniformly negative are considered task oriented, whereas those who differentiate among the characteristics are person oriented. , especially followers searching for direction or for guidance during times of crisis from heredity in the future most. Topics! and making one ’ s effectiveness a process whereby leaders may employ one or more of the of... 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